
Sagittarius dominant traits
Sagittarius dominant traits

BUT their default settings are definitely turned on to ‘TRUST’ and ‘BELIEVE’. It’s not that Sagittarians are dim-witted they do realise that other people aren’t all wholesome or filled with good intentions. Perfect travel/weekend companions, somewhat difficult colleagues and ‘nesting’ partners. On the other hand, if you’re working with them/living with them/trying to make firm plans with them… This need for freedom can be challenging. On the one hand, they love to get the wind in their fur, a new horizon on their map, and it’s all jolly good fun.

sagittarius dominant traits

If you want an honest opinion, then ask a Sagittarius… BUT you’d better be sure you want the whole, unvarnished truth because that is what you’ll get. They will say what others truly think, but would never dare utter aloud.

sagittarius dominant traits

To get an idea of the classic Sagittarius personality traits and types, we need only to look to some of the most famous archers: Brad Pitt, Chrissy Teigen, Miley Cyrus, Taylor Swift, Jay-Z, Britney Spears, Tyra Banks. Sagittarians are great companions for wild weekends. They are ruled by Jupiter, which makes them all jammy so-and-sos, who (no matter how absurd an escapade they pursue) often land on their feet and smelling of roses.

Sagittarius dominant traits free#

They're born travellers, adventurers, explorers and free spirits. They just like doing what they do, when they wanna do it. They love to feel free and resist rules, regulations, constraints and schedules. Sagittarians are lively, passionate, smart and more philosophical than their clown-y energy may hint at. If you know a Sagittarian, you’ll know all about this! They’ll have said things to you which ~scorched~, but five minutes later, all is well again. They have zero filters, which makes them spontaneous, rude, honest, hilarious and challenging. Sagittarians are the bright, breezy, adorable ‘Tiggers’ of the zodiac, all big hugs, bouncy energy and lots of laughs. Both my parents families had hazel-eyed people in them, so the genes are obviously there, but I've never understood what the chances are that it would show up.Sagittarius is the star sign with a birthday which dates between 22 November and 21 December, and belong to the Fire element of the zodiac (along with Leo and Aries). Of their four children, three have blue eyes and one has hazel/green eyes. It's interesting - in my family, both my parents have blue eyes. Of course, it will also depend on who they marry.

sagittarius dominant traits

It will be interesting to see if my sons retain the allele for green eyes and pass them on to their children or even have held on to the blue from my mom and pass blue eyes on. My husband has brown eyes and mine, of course, are green. My eyes are green and my sister's are brown. He/she doesn't even have the same color eyes as me or his/her mom!" A lot of people do not understand genetics and how a recessive gene can come down from a grandparent and the child could have totally different eye color than their parents. I have heard people say, "That can't possibly be my child. Does this mean my parents both passed on the recessive gene to us (homozygous)and no dominant gene was passed on whatsoever, since green and blue eyes are recessive traits? Oh, and what if you have dark blue eyes is that recessive or dominant? I am one of seven children and all of us have green eyes except my little brother has blue eyes. So I'm 13 and my parents both have green eyes, but I'm not sure about our grandparents. Well, my father and I have brown eyes and my biological mother and brother have blue. What if both parents are left handed and their offspring is right handed?

Sagittarius dominant traits